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Welcome to Information Governance Level One

Course Overview

Thank you for enrolling in the Information Governance level one online course from ProTrainings.

  • Watch a series of instructional videos
  • Answer knowledge review questions
  • Take a short completion test

You have the flexibility to:

  • Start and Stop: Resume exactly where you left off
  • Device Compatibility: Access the course on any device
  • Pin Video: Pin the video to the top of your screen for dual-viewing
  • Subtitles: View videos with subtitles (CC icon)
  • Additional Help: Support available for incorrect answers

Completion and Resources

Upon passing the test:

  • Print Certificate: Download and print your completion certificate
  • Access Resources: Links and resources on the course homepage

Course Features:

  • Updates: Regular updates with new material
  • Access Period: Course access for 8 months
  • Support: Comprehensive support for all training needs

Additional Support and Updates

For workplace training solutions:

  • Company Dashboards: Free dashboards for managing staff training
  • Contact Us: Reach us via email, phone, or online chat

Stay Updated:

  • Weekly Emails: Receive updates every Monday morning
  • Blog Updates: Latest news and optional subscription

Thank you for choosing ProTrainings for your training needs. Best of luck with your course!